Saturday, July 30, 2011

Neighborhood Strength

When we hear the debate going on without resolve in Washington, we realize we may be dealing with some significant impacts soon on our economy based on what's resolved or not resolved in early August.

That's when we can be reminded we are most fortunate to be living in this neighborhood ~ because we're in a position to be resources for each other.

My understanding is that at least one resident would like to rennovate our Redlands Village sign at the entrance to Village Way. It would be very exciting to meet our neighbors and engage in conversations here ~ sharing information, goods, services ~ anything that builds our connection with each other.

Please e-mail me if you'd like to get some projects going in the neighborhood ~ security checks for people who live alone, car pooling on occasion, garden planning/produce sharing, bartering... There are endless options.

I'd love to have some knitters get together for an evening of knitting/conversation/sharing.

Those are just a few of my thoughts.

Please e-mail me and let me know if this blog has possbilities!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fire Threat!

We now are under a fire threat due to very dry conditions here in the neighborhood. Our neighbors in the lower part of the subdivision are particularly vulnerable because of the brush and wild growth, and also because there is NO fire hydrant down there!

What we can do:

NOT turn on our water sprinklers if a fire starts down below! This would siphon water from reserves the fire department would rely on to fight the fire.

Be watchful that children don't play with anything that could start a fire ~ this time of year, like firecrackers!


Our neighbor, Carol Slonaker, has experienced some vandalism ~ something that's been a rare occurance ~ but could increase. Each of us should be a part of a neighborhood network for "watchfulness" ~ even if it's just a cluster of houses on one street or cul de sac.


I believe that a neighborhood network is extremely valuable for all of us ~ to be able to share/donate goods and services as the economy changes ~ to get to know each other, and to have those connections in crisis situations, and in good times! This isn't a doomsday philosophy ~ but more like the Boy Scouts' ~ Be Prepared! I believe we have a lot of "stuff" that is stored and gathering dust that could be put to use by a neighbor. What we gain in return is a connection!

You can contact me by e-mail ( and I'll post your requests here. I would like to add a handful of neighbors who would be interested in being able to directly post for their part/street in the neighborhood.

If you want to get to know your neighbors, watch this blog and let us know if you have something to give
away, or if there is something you need!

(Our rototiller has stopped working before we've finished getting our garden in. Does anyone have one we could borrow? ~ 242-5410)